Price adjustments 2020

Hello new and longtime supporters! We at Nettle & Co. have been procrastinating a price change for years. Despite a steady increase in packaging costs, label costs, shipping costs, cost of materials, gas, etc etc etc. Our whole mandate and raison d’etre has been to provide local, clean, wild, fresh, simple and affordable herbal products. Unfortunately we have reached a point where we have to adjust prices so that we can continue to do this sustainably! We realized recently that we had not adjusted them since 2007…a lot has changed in the world since then!

So…know that we are still growing and locally harvesting as many ingredients as we can and that they are just as fresh and wonderful as ever. In fact we just moved our home and farm this year and are looking forward to “digging into” a new garden project in the spring.

Thank you for continuing to support us!

Stephanie Mills1 Comment